
Breast Research Association TOP

Evening seminar 2009
Anatomy lecture of the breast
- 8th December 2009, 17th February and 17th March 2010

イブニングセミナー2010 乳房文化研究会
On 8th December 2009, 17th February and 17th March 2010, we had 『Breast research association Evening seminar 』 at Wacoal corp.(in Kyoto).
Prof. Mitsuhiro Kawata of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine gave the lecture, 『Anatomy lecture of the breast』.
The special guest speakers were Dr. Lee Tettyu(Japanese Red Cross Society Kyoto, Daiichi Hospital) and Prof. Atsuko Suzuki(Joshibi University of Art and Design) who enhanced the discussion.

◆Lecture 1 – Tuesday 8th December 2009
- The Structure and function of the breast-
Prof. Mitsuhiro Kawata (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine)

Prof. Kawata talked about the structure of the breast, using visual aids to show the breast tissue and form, such as the mechanism of mammary glands, the milk line, Cooper's ligaments, and fat tissue. The professor also discussed the relationship between hormone secretion and the breast.

During the Q & A session, many questions were asked about the structure of Cooper’s ligaments, how the breast ages, the relationship between vibration and sagging of breast tissue, and other topics.

The audience were very interested in the topic of the breast. The questionnaire revealed a very favorable rating that 80% of the audience were ‘satisfied’. Additionally, the audience wanted to know more about the breast including the determinants of breast formation, the relationship between aging and the sagging of breast tissue and the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels surrounding the breast.

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